
Who am I?

Franz Ferdinand at Somerset House001

Hello!  I’m Katie Walter and I enjoy food – cooking it, eating it, reading about it and writing about it.  I cook simply, from scratch and seasonally; avoiding processed foods, when possible.  For the past year I’ve been teaching cooking classes out of my home, which is great fun!  At first I emailed the class recipes, but as I’ve gotten a broader audience I’ve decided a blog is a better way to share all this food information, including food stories and restaurant recommendations from my travels.   In my past lives I’ve done a bit of catering, co-authored a cookbook “Some Like It Hot” (Chronicle Books, 2005) and put in some time at America’s Test Kitchen in Boston.  After spending 4 years abroad in London, I’m back living in Lexington, Massachusetts, with my husband, David, and two hungry daughters, Libby and Molly.

How to contact me?

Send an email to twoapronscookery@gmail.com.  I’d love to hear from you!

Why Two Aprons?

Back in my Chicago days, a friend and I offered our culinary skills to the highest bidder to raise money for local charities – and Two Aprons was born.  That led to some paid catering gigs, but just as we were gaining momentum, I relocated to Boston for David’s job.  So though that was the end for those Two Aprons, as an American expat now living in London (after a subsequent David job relocation), the Two Aprons theme continues with my balancing of the American and the British.  I love them both and am learning to embrace the British, but not forgetting my American roots (easy to remember when I have dozens of American cookbooks staring at me from my bookshelf…and my big bag of Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chips!).

21 responses to “About

  1. Marti Meyers

    WOW! Katie, this looks AMAZING! Eric said it looks better than 1/2 the websites he has to look through!
    I can’t wait to try the recipes and follow my favorite Blogger!

  2. Lyn and Ken

    Katie: This is a wow! We are very proud of you… we will certainly follow your

  3. Kelly DuPont

    Congrats Katie! I look forward to cooking with you. Miss you guys!

  4. Sister Caritas

    Katie, this is great. I’ll have to check this out frequently and have our convent kitchen try some of these. The bars look great!! One question: do Libby and Molly get to be your “Taste Testers?” Sounds like great work and fun for all of you. Best of luck in this endeavor!! Your Aunt, Sister Caritas

    • Hi Caritas, yes Libby and Molly do get the taste tester job!! Though the are quite fickle….they seem to always be around when I’m baking cookies but when I’m making soup, not as much:)

  5. Maria

    Katie, this is exciting, your dream coming true. Have fun with the blog. I am looking forward to following your blog and trying the recipes. They look delicious.

  6. Erika Vezza

    Can’t wait to make the spinach bars! They look delicious!

  7. Judy Bloomquist

    Hi! Katie…How exciting! Your blog is so well done….I love your style of writing….and , of course, your yummy recipes! Those spinach bars are the greatest! You’ll make a cook out of me yet! Your Mom

  8. Hi Katie, I really enjoy our blog so I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. I hope you’ll accept! Check it out: https://keepcalmandcake.wordpress.com/2015/05/09/the-liebster-award/ 🙂 🙂

    • Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for the nomination. I’m honored! I graciously accept the award and will answer the questions. Now to find 10 other blogs to nominate…..

      • Judy Bloomquist

        Congratulations! Katie…The Liebster Award….what does that name mean, actually? the “Lover” award…German????

      • Thanks! Not sure what it means (definitely translate into something involving love), but it’s for new bloggers with small audiences…like me:)

  9. Maria

    “Liebster” translates to dearest or most favorite, e.g. greetings in the beginning of a letter “Dearest Katie,…” or “Chocolate cake is my most favorite (liebster) cake.

    • Thanks for the translation, Maria. I knew it had some to do with love, but wasn’t exactly sure. I’ll be sure to send Libby your way when she has questions with her German homework:)

  10. Hey dear friend. Just reading all your comments above from lovely people. Feel so bad I havn’t contributed! So, congrats on your blog, its brilliant and thats saying something from someone who dislikes cooking and the whole process of meal times. However, as you know, I absolutely love, love, love eating and trying your latest recipes. Always more than willing to be your taste tester!

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